Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Very 1st ever BLOG.

Wow. Here it is. The blog that nobody will read, because I have nothing important to say... Well, ya know to me it's important stuff, but in the grand scheme of things ~ I mostly talk about completely trivial, unimportant, snippets of my personal life. In general. Not just in blog world. I generally don't usually have anything important to say. I don't keep up with politics, or community affairs, or even arts and entertainment. I look at the covers of current magazines at the grocery store and I don't recognize 75% of the faces or names... at the age of 36, I should be a little more in tune with what is going on in my world.

I truly hate the word 'blog'.  It is hideous sounding to say and reminds me of 'phlegm'...

Well, this was fun, but I need to change into clean sweats to go to work.